Often as part of a current project it becomes necessary to design and develop special purpose equipment in order to test or manufacture an item or several component parts of a project.
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The wide range of expertise in both design and manufacturing enables Ideas2Reality to produce novel and effective solutions for clients.
Special purpose machine for the volume manufacture of glass fibre preforms for large vehicle panels. Incorporates rapid tool changes facility, thermal heating of fibres and 1000 ton 1 meter daylight press capable of closing in 0.6 seconds
Typical of the sort of equipment and units that Ideas2Reality has designed are:
• Semi automated preform line for closed mould composite processes.
• Racking system for the transport of glass between suppliers and customers
• Specialised cutting machine for profiling foam core blanks
• Specialised presses both pneumatic and hydraulic
• Air bearing transport systems for moving heavy tooling
• Automated locking systems for clamping moulds shut
• Specialised cutting jigs for low volume machining operations
• Mechanical handling equipment for awkward shaped components
• Variety of assembly jigs and fixtures
• Multi component injection machines and control valves
• Shrink Wrap equipment for protection of machined components
• Loading and feed equipment for large paper print rolls.
• Blast and Ballistic test equipment
• Automated ejection units for releasing moulded components
Many of these designs have been taken through to manufacture for the client by Ideas2Reality through its network of suppliers.
Many of the Ideas2Reality team have considerable experience of both production and manufacture in a variety of industries.
This, in addition to the design capabilities of the company, enables us to better understand the needs of our clients which in turn results in better solutions to the customers problems.
Depending on the requirement of the client, the intended operational life of the machine or equipment and the environment in which it will be used Ideas2Reality have a variety of different ways to solve this type of problem.
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Ideas2Reality have available to them a long established team of suppliers providing services such as:
Machines can be manufactured from a variety of materials from the ground up or built from low cost modular systems such as heavy duty aluminium extrusions. The method used depends on the design requirements and specification.
They can be manually operated or fitted with electronic controls to automate their operation. Often to keep the costs down a machine may be designed initially to be manually operated then as production increases the same machine can be fitted with increasing levels of automation.
Occasionally having produced a low cost prototype to prove a process or developed a new technology another more sophisticated and substantial machine is produced for installation in a production facility.
Ideas2Reality will normally be able to develop and deliver a workable solution that is commercially viable.
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