What We Do:
Concept drawing of possible new fairground ride
3D CAD design and analysis
Often a client needs to investigate a concept to see if it fits in, with their project requirements. With the advent on 3D CAD technology and its rapid development over the last five years, it is now possible to generate a 3D model on a computer which can be rotated, sectioned and animated in order to enable better decisions to be made as to the practicality of an idea.
what is Rapid Prototyping And Prototype Manufacture click here
The costs of these exercises have reduced as the technology has become more powerful. Recent developments in stereo lithography and 3D printing (SLS and SLA) now enable actual 3D models to be manufactured.
For example, projects such as fairground rides have traditionally required that a prototype be made before it can be established that the “thrill” the passenger is seeking is achieved.
It has also been customary to establish the power required to operate the ride and to ensure that the strength of critical structural elements is sufficient by measuring the deflections during loaded trials.
how 3D Cad Modelling click here
This “trial and error” method is not only costly both in time and money but can also be dangerous.
Although subjective it is possible to define many of the features such as size, speed of operation, G forces etc. A ride can then be designed which operates within this specification.
It is also possible to confirm the sizes and sections of the key elements. This enables details such as the weight and power required to be calculated. As a result costs can be estimated before any metal is cut
The ability for Ideas2Reality to provide clients with services such as this, allied to the company’s breadth of experience in prototype manufacturing and fabrication, reduces many of the risks when designing a new product compared with more traditional methods.
Precision engineering
Precision machine parts
Many clients tell us it is increasingly difficult to find reliable manufacturers and sub-contractors capable of producing precise and accurate components on time. A wide background in many engineering disciplines enables the team at Ideas2Reality to judge the capabilities of new suppliers and are often asked to assist our clients find new or better suppliers.
The company has also developed a large network of specialist sub contractors who can be relied upon to work with our clients to ensure that components or complete assemblies are supplied as required on time.
All of our subcontractors are highly skilled and many have invested in the latest technology which enables machining and fabrication to be carried out to extremely high tolerances if required.
Ideas2Reality often acts as the “glue” between various sub-contractors and the client or the clients own nominated suppliers. This ensures that errors due to communications problems are minimised or eliminated.
Often clients ask Ideas2Reality to project manage the complete manufacturing process and deliver a turnkey solution. We are happy to do this providing we can genuinely offer added value or benefit to the project.
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